Thursday, September 9, 2021

About Me

 Hi I am Coyote Sunrise, that is my actual name. I am 12 years old, just a kid I know. I live on a bus, Yager, with Rodeo. I have lived on said bus for 5 years. I know it sounds weird and most would ask why but that is a no-go. No-goes are things we can't--and I mean can not-- talk about on Yager. Rodeo would Kill me if he found I told you but I will anyway. 

The List Of No-Goes.

  1. No using our old names. My old name was Ella but after the accident me and Rodeo legally changed our names to Coyote Sunrise, and Rodeo Sunrise. That is what we call each other and this is how we introduce ourselves to others.
  2. No talking about the accident at all. Its easy enough just don't. 
  3. No talking about Mom, Rose, or Ava.
That's it. Well there are more rules but no more No-Goes. 

                                                                                            My beautiful cat Ivan!

When We Got Back

I know most people don't like to get all mushy gushy,  but I am about to, so leave if you want, but you have been warned. 
    Right before the accident Me, my mom, Rose, and Ava, all buried a memory box. It contained family photos, locks of hair, rock Rose wanted to add, hand written letters to each other. Mom said that we all needed to write letters to each other saying why we loved each other. We all buried the box, under a tree, with a rock rolled on top of it. Then we all promised each other that in 10 years we would all dig it up and go through the memories. Well just a few years later the crash took them, and only 5 years later the park was going to get destroyed. When Rodeo took me back I could feel everything. Mom, Rose, and Ava. I could feel them. Every thing I had missed. Since talking about them was one of Rodeos many No-Goes I hadn’t seen them nor had I felt them . I missed them, Rodeo came down siting next to me with the box siting on our laps. We looked through everything, of course we couldn’t read anything, But we could feel it. We sat like that for what felt like 5 years. Laughing at the funny photos we put in there. But mostly crying. Boy let me tell you if you never cry about missing you mom and sisters for 5 years, it feels good to cry. That is the only time I will ever say that. 


 To tell you where the story takes place is difficult, because we live on a bus and busses move. But here I go, well me and rodeo are from Washington State. But we traveled the U.S. in our bus, Yager, an old school bus renovated into a home. Think of it as a full time camper. Ooh or a 5 year camping trip. Yeah I like that the best. A 5 year camping trip. 

Any way, we got off track there. We did a whole bunch of zig-zagging across the country stopping at random places, picking people up, dropping people off. We like not having a plan. 

But where the story takes place is, Earth, North America, the U.S, the roads, in a bus named Yager.  See not so complicated after all. 

My Dreamcatcher

 It sounds gosh-darn ridiculous but my big dream is to live in a house with "a family." Rodeo doesn't quite count. Riding on Yager feels temporary. I like it, but it feels like we're running away until we find something we like. Something we like enough to stay.

When we went back to Washington, we couldn't keep ourselves together long enough for an hour. Let alone our life. 

Bus not Yager.

All My Favorites!

My favorites? Hard I love almost everything, But lets make a list. 

                                                        Coyote Sunrises List of favorites!

  1. Book? easy, The One and Only Ivan. I love it and all its characters. It was one of the few I kept on the bus with me when we first moved onto Yager. That question is one of only 3 in this list that Rodeo asks when we get new travelers. 
  2. Sandwich? That one is less easy. Oh I know this, a pork chop sandwich from a small shop in Montana. 
  3. Snack? A juicy spicy gas-station hot dog. It is too-good perfection.
  4. Object? Ivan, my cat. I found Ivan at a gas station when he was a baby. Ivan was being sold by 2 teenagers. Ivan was a no-go for a while and I had to hide him from Rodeo for a week. Eventually Rodeo decided to like Ivan, but he never did tell me so.

                                                            A beautiful library of books!


 Don't make this awkward, but advice from me would be to just be yourself. I told ya it'd be weird. But it worked for me, that's how we got our crew. If I were weird and not confident, I wouldn't have met Val, Salvadore, Lester, and I wouldn't have gotten Ivan the cat. If Val wasn't herself, the police would've kicked us out of our "concert." If Salvadore wasn't himself, we would have lost him a long time ago. If Rodeo wasn't himself, we wouldn't be living on this here bus. This just goes to show I'm a great-advice-giver.

Tour of Steve

 This is Rachel and Paige touring Steve, the bus. 

If you just want to watch the bus tour, Rachel and Paige finish at 9:49. The rest of the video is an interview.

Teachers Turned Skoolies: Official Bus Tour!

                                                                      This Bus Steve

                                                                            This Dog Maya

From the Editor

 Hi! This is Kaylan, and I'm the editor. The content in this here blog relates to the character, Coyote, because she uses imperfect grammar, and tells her stories in a funky kind of way. All of the information I presented to you in this here blog is straight from the book The Remarkable Story of Coyote Sunrise. For instance, she uses words like "ain't" and "ye olde" because she doesn't need to speak properly, as she lives on a bus with only her Rodeo (her dad).

The images relate to the character because we have a bus for Yager. Coyote and Rodeo live on a bus, and travel the United States. That is not too bizarre. Real humans on the real Earth really live on real buses. Check out the link for Teachers Turned Skoolies to meet my aunts who live on Steve, their bus. The reason I have the bus photo with the caption "Bus not Yager" is because it's a bus, but it is not Yager. The reason I have a beautiful library photo is because on that there bus there is only enough room for small books, Coyote and Rodeo's favorites. The reason I have the beautiful Ivan photo is because he is Coyote's cat and she loves him.

The layout relates to Coyote because her travels are all catawampus-ziggy-zagger. However, she aspires to have her travels in a straight line to a home. Her blog is laid out in a straight line because it relates to her dreams and aspirations. The style of the blog looks like a road trip, because her life is one long road trip.

The blog as a whole showcases elements of the novel because she writes about her life, and when you think about your life, you don't think of tiny side conversations. You think of key moments that build your character. 

                                                                            My character

About Me

About Me

 Hi I am Coyote Sunrise, that is my actual name. I am 12 years old, just a kid I know. I live on a bus, Yager, with Rodeo. I have lived on s...